Pizzeria, stops signs and taxes

Long Beach letters


Pizzeria deck issue muddled

To the Editor:
There are several misconceptions in recent letters to the editor in your paper that should be clarified (“Pizzaria deck should stay up,” Sept. 17-23, and “Deck stacked with politics?,” Sept. 24-30).
First, Vito Sr. sold the pizzaria-bar last year to a developer, Mayeri Enterprises. This is no longer a family-run business. Second, the complete deck would not be taken down, only the illegal extension on the dunes that was constructed without the Long Beach Zoning Board or City Council’s approval.
Lastly, the establishment could continue to do business just as it had prior to constructing the illegal extension.
Lois Griski
Long Beach

More stop signs are needed

To the Editor:
I agree with Richard Boodman (“Dead man’s corner?” Oct. 8-14). Long Beach has many blocks that do not have stop signs where desperately needed.
I live on Westholme between Washington and Lafayette boulevards. There is a stop sign on West Olive Street and Washington but not on Washington’s cross street. This is a dangerous corner. Many times while trying to see if a car is coming, I cannot and just miss getting hit.
I have two kids that are driving now and am worried about corners with no stop signs.
Darlene Weinbrenner
Long Beach

Stop the stop signs!

To the Editor:
While your reportage was good, I disagree with homeowner Richard Boodman.
The signs should be about how to skillfully and safely ride bicycles in the streets, not about a need for additional stop signs. Bicycle riders taking to the streets have to follow the rules of the road and ride defensively. Bicyclists have to be vigilant and second-guess whether or not a motorist will drive as predicted out of necessity— the bicycle rider is more apt to lose in a collision. This is especially mandatory in an era of driving while drunk, texting and talking on cell phones.
In every accident, whether in the presence of a traffic-control device or not, someone did not do what they were supposed to do. Bicyclists ride safely when they are keenly aware. Bicyclists are endangered when they are distracted or oblivious.
Savas Kyprianides
Long Beach

Beach-front residents pay taxes, too

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