Readers weigh in

Long Beach letters


Ford is dedicated to Long Beach

To the Editor:
I disagree with Ruth Bernstein's letter “Denise Ford is a political turncoat” (March 25-31). My first reaction was that it had the earmarks of a smear campaign against Mrs. Ford. But then I realized it was a constituent writing with no facts and groundless accusations.
If Ms. Bernstein had done her homework, she would have learned that Denise Ford, although a registered Democrat, ran her first campaign on the Republican line against Michael Zapson, the Democratic incumbent, and beat him handily. Unlike too many politicians today who have their own personal agendas and don't give a hoot about the people who entrusted them to represent and protect their interests, Denise Ford has been totally dedicated to the people. In my own experience, she has been the only elected official who has tried to stop the major insurance companies from canceling homeowners’ insurance policies, not only in her district but throughout Long Island.

The Schmidt affair was a debacle! Denise Ford knows it, and that's why she joined her fellow legislators to have these raises rescinded. There are always mistakes, wrong assumptions and too much media reporting that’s wrong. Regarding John Ciampoli, at first blush I would not have voted for or supported him. But I am not Denise Ford. She is a Christian who believes in giving some people a second chance. During the hearing for his nomination, Mr. Ciampoli explained that he did have liens from a while ago, but they were satisfied. On second thought, I might support him if I had the facts. Ms. Bernstein might want to give it a try, too.
Richard Boodman
Long Beach

Father Chris will be missed

To the Editor:
The Bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre has announced that Father Chris Nowak will be transferred from St. Mary of the Isle Parish in Long Beach to St. John Parish of Central Islip this June.
Father Chris will be missed. In his three years as pastor at St. Mary’s, he has done a great job tending to the spiritual needs of his congregation, and has been a supportive presence in the Long Beach community. I wish Father Chris Nowak well. He is one of a succession of fabulous clergymen working in Long Beach who have so well ministered to the many faith communities in our city.
Frank McQuade
Long Beach

Individual rights are slipping away

To the Editor:
In his column "Health reform is an act of mercy, not evil" (April 1-7), Scott Brinton spends nearly half of his piece on God's opinion on reform, while he admits not to know the mind of God. At the same time, he bashes the Republican Party, calling it a party of fear mongers, instead of attacking its fallacious theories.
The U.S. became a great nation because it was founded on the principle of individual rights. The U.S. was supposed to have a government that protected its citizens from foreign invaders, murderers, thieves and swindlers. Our nation has turned away from its founding principles, and the government has become the tool of force, as opposed to the protector from force.
The recent health-care debate made me wonder whether the Declaration of Independence still applies to doctors. Do they have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
We already have government charity for real-estate speculators, auto manufacturers, Wall Street bankers, foreign governments, failing state governments, teachers' unions and ACORN, as well as an explosion of government jobs. These actions have resulted in assets being taken from individuals, such as shopkeepers and mechanics, and redistributed to those with political influence. Instead of being a nation of individual rights, we are a nation groveling for favor from elites based on our ability to proclaim a need.

Larry Sussman