Guest Column

Mustaches for Kids prepares for this year’s fundraising effort


Mustaches For Kids is a national volunteer-run organization. Each year, participants, or “Growers,” raise money by growing mustaches. They shave their faces, except for the ’stache, a minimum of one time per week and solicit donations from friends, family, co-workers, and people in the community.

The Long Island Chapter of Mustaches For Kids, based out of Long Beach, is starting its sixth growing season this year. Over the past five years, our chapter has raised more than $195,000 for the Pediatric Cancer Care Center at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.

The season begins with a Shave Day, scheduled for Friday, Sept. 28, at Sutton Place from 5 to 9 p.m. Those interested in participating need to be clean-shaven and simply show up. Growers will have their picture taken and receive a T-shirt and a pin that reads “Ask Me About My Mustache” to aid in the fundraising effort. It's as easy as that. Last year, we had more than 100 participants.

From this point on, checkpoint meetings are held once a week to compare ’staches, collect donations and enjoy mustached life. The schedule this year is as follows:

Checkpoint 1: Saturday, Oct. 6 — March in the Irish Day parade followed by a Mustache Tent outside the Inn.

Checkpoint 2: Saturday, Oct. 13, 2-6 p.m. — Mustache Family Day at Swingbelly’s. Live entertainment, games, and mustache face painting for the kids.

Checkpoint 3: Saturday, Oct. 20, 7 p.m. — Mustache Bar Crawl starts at Shines.

On Saturday, Oct. 27, we will hold a “Stache Bash” from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Inn. This is our end of the season gala where awards are given for mustaches of distinction and much of our fundraising takes place. Anyone looking to make a donation can show up to a checkpoint or donate online at More information about the organization can be found on the website as well. Check donations must be made out to MSKCC.

This year is a big change for Mustaches For Kids. Since it's inception on the national level more than 20 years ago, mustache season has always ran from mid-November to mid-December. This has caused some confusion as many people mix up Mustaches for Kids and Movember, a similar movement that raises money for prostate cancer which began in Australia.  

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