Volunteers share the joy of reading at L.B. Library


On Friday, Sept. 23, reading volunteers from the Reading Between the Lions (RBL) program gathered at the Long Beach Public Library to gear up for the new school year. RBL is an intergenerational volunteer reading program which pairs a volunteer reader with a four-year old in an effort to instill a deep passion for and a life-long love of reading. Studies show that when young children are exposed to books at an early age they are more likely to develop a love of reading and the better they will do in school.

Volunteers consist of local residents who read with children at various day care programs in the community. After a successful first year, the program has added afternoon sessions, and has plans to expand into additional locations.

About a dozen returning volunteers shared their experiences as new volunteers looked forward to starting the first week of October. Assignments were handed out, along with each facility’s calendar, and there was a general overview of expectations for a second successful year. (Anyone interested in volunteering an hour a week or more may contact Diane Smith 516-398-4742).

RBL wishes to thank the Long Beach Public Library for its Meeting Room as well as Omar of Associated Supermarket, Angie and Jimmy of Bally Bannon, Wally from Lido Kosher Deli and Angie of Beach Bagels who provided the delicious refreshments. The next meeting, and the first debriefing session will take place at the library in November.