School news

Lynbrook seniors prepare Intel research


the summer, 15 rising Lynbrook High School seniors worked for hours on independent science research projects in their high school science lab and in famed research facilities such as the Cornell Weill Medical Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories and NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases. Delving into the fields of aeronautics, environmental engineering, biomedical research and social sciences, a number of students worked side by side with mentors who are conducting similar research in their own professional labs.

Stephanie Mertz’s studies of gene regulation in kidney cell carcinoma took her all the way to the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics. Brandon Wong spent the summer at Massachusetts General Hospital, where he conducted research on the role of intracellular receptor movement in leukemic cell culture.

Closer to home, several students worked in professional research labs around the New York metropolitan area. Zoe Daniels and Olivia Mooney both worked at NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases. Zoe designed new treatments for inflammatory collagen diseases and asthma using genetic engineering. Olivia studied physician and patient concordance of perception of treatment for rheumatic diseases. Dana Fader investigated bioengineered disk replacement therapy at Cornell Weill Medical Center. Nicolai Tyco conducted a study of signaling pathways and disease at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories. Traveling to the Ichan Research Institute of Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, Tess Lewin-Jacus studied the role of mutation in the development of schizophrenia. Alana Kantor worked in a local clinic studying patient and physician perception of quality of life during and after psoriasis treatments.

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