Guest Columnist

Meet ‘Paging Grace’

Local band to play for Autism Speaks


On Monday February 27, I had the pleasure of meeting a new and upcoming band, “Paging Grace.” The band consists of drummer Rafe Tangorra, guitarist Will Ahrens, guitarist Phil Firetog, lead singer/keyboardist Christopher Trentacoste, and bassist Sam Trestman.

The name “Paging Grace” was chosen by Trentacoste as spiritual reflection of his connection with his grandmother, Grace. He thought that it was a really great name, and that it can take on a lot of positive meanings.

One of Tangorra’s favorite artists is the band Led Zeppelin, especially their drummer, John Bonham, who influenced him to take up drumming. Ahren’s favorite band is the Foo Fighters because they are one of the only remaining genuine rock bands around today, he said. He also enjoys listening to Death Cab for Cutie and Phish.

Trentacoste, who writes the majority of the melodies for the band, is a big fan of The Beatles, listing John Lennon, Paul McCartney, along with Rob Thomas as his influences. Band members joked around, saying that they like Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears, too.

“Paging Grace” was putting together new songs just before I interviewed them. Trentacoste, who started writing songs in high school, said that the drum patterns in the songs were different than most others, and that he brought his own style and way of playing to the band.

Ahrens said the more they practice, the better they sound. He and Firetog avoid playing the same parts in order to make the songs sound dynamic and full. The band agreed that the best part of the performance is showing people all the hard work they put into performing on stage as well as rehearsing the songs.

One of the best days of Tangorra’s life, he said, was while playing at Mulcahy’s. The club was packed from the back to front, and filled with people who came to listen to the band. Their fans were singing along — and they knew all of the words — to songs like “Leave,” allowing Tangorra to experience something he never had before.

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