School News

Birch names foreign-language contest winners


The Merrick School District recently took part in National Foreign Language Week. Students in grades three to six, all of whom are taking Spanish, voluntarily participated in the national "Spread Your Wings: Learn a New Language" poster and essay contest.

At Birch Elementary School, where most children did posters, several children were named winners by their Spanish teacher, Jackie Ram. They are, from left:

Top Row:

Señorita Jackie Ram (FLES teacher), Kerri Schlissel (assistant principal), Zachary Neiger, Emily Haldas, Jesse Condello, Joy B., Mikayla Czizik, William Sasson, Ally Lanka, Allison Singer, Robert Cohen (principal)

Middle Row:

Jonathan Lloyd, Gina Zazzi, Kevin Sandler, Justin Unterberg, Lucas Rosen, Harley Ginsberg, Mia Hauser, Zachary Lelonek

Bottom Row:

Grace Iaconis, Samantha Sedlitz, Danielle Puglisi, Katie Filipowski, Jaden Foster, Dylan Moeringer, Kaan Imirzalioglu, Josh Kaplan