Eye on Albany

State law: No more texting while driving


State Assemblyman David McDonough, a Republican from North Merrick, is reminding his constituents that the law banning texting while driving will take effect Nov. 1. The law was passed by the state to supplement the current law banning the use of a cell phone without a hands-free device while driving.

"I fully supported this law because there isn't a day that goes by without seeing people, particularly young adults, driving while texting or talking on a phone," McDonough said. "Although the police can't stop everyone who violates this new law, it is important to raise awareness of the dangers that texting while driving cause, particularly with new drivers without the experience to have quality driving habits established. It is my hope that parents will take this time to review safe driving skills with their children so that we can prevent accidents in the future."

The new law was written following an accident in 2007 that killed five teenagers from Fairport, N.Y., after the driver lost control of the vehicle while texting and slammed into a tractor-trailer. The law was also inspired by a Virginia Tech Transportation Institute study that showed a crash is 23 times more likely to occur if a driver is texting.