New recreational fishing regulations relaxed


Fishermen will now be able to keep more of their catch, and keep smaller-sized fish, when they’re working their rod and reel this summer.

The state Department of Environmental Conservation released its recreational fishing rules for summer flounder or fluke; scup or porgy and black sea bass on July 24.

The new regulations are less restrictive than current rules and specify changes to the minimum size limit, possession limit and length of open season for all three species.

The season for fluke opened May 1 and will remain open through Sept. 29. The new fluke size limit is 19 inches and there is a four-fish bag limit. The previous bag limit had also been four fish, but with a 19 1/2-size limit.

Black sea bass fishing season runs from July 10 to Dec. 31, with a 13-inch minimum size and an eight-fish bag limit. 2012 regulations had the same minimum size limit but with a 15 fish possession limit.

Porgy rules are now slightly relaxed, with a 10-inch minimum size, 30-fish bag limit and a fishing season from May 1 to Dec. 31 for all anglers. Party and charter boats now have a bonus of a 45-fish bag limit from Sept. 1 to Oct. 31. Old regs for porgy maximum was 20 fish of 10 ½ inches or longer.

Anglers are required to register with the Recreational Marine Fishing Registry. No fee is required. Anglers should check DEC’s website for the most recent information on fishing limits. Recreational marine fishing regulations can be viewed on the DEC website. For additional information, contact DEC Marine Resources Division at (631) 444-0435.