Be the light of Christmas, now and into the New Year


This week I was in Michael’s Crafts Store, and the Christmas section looked like a post-apocalyptic world with only a few ornaments, a couple boxes of lights and four sad-looking trees that appeared as if they had seen too much in their short lives on the shelves.

Christmas is almost over before it begins these days, with post-Christmas sales happening before the holiday itself, holiday parties starting earlier and earlier so we can get them all in before Christmas and outdoor lights that turn off on Dec. 25 at 11:59 p.m., not to show their twinkle again until next year.

But Christmas is a season that is 12 days long, starting with Christmas Day and going until Jan. 5 when we celebrate the three Kings visiting the Christ child on Epiphany. Our celebration of this event seems to end right away, but we can continue to experience the joy of the birth of Christ not just for the 12 days of Christmas but through the New Year as well.

Let us continue to look with joy at the Christ child who is the light of the whole world. When things seem dark in our world, let us continue to seek out the ray of light, which brings hope and unity to us. Let us continue to look for where the light breaks the darkness when members of our community come together across political, ideological and religious divides to ensure that those in need are cared for.

Let us do the work of Christmas, not the wrapping of presents and baking of cookies, but cultivating awe and wonder when we see where God enters into our world. Let us look for Christ this season and always, in the mangers of our world. 

Let us look for Jesus today in the places and people in our community that are forgotten, downtrodden or alone this season, and let us continue to welcome and care for them. In our caring for our neighbors we become part of that light of the world that breaks through the darkness and can experience what this season is all about.