Blessing pets in Oceanside


At Oceanside’s Saint Anthony’s Church, on Oct. 16, Rev. Nicholas Lombardi blessed the pets from his parish. From the littlest pup to the biggest dog each was recognized as a valuable family member.

Oceanside Jewish Center’s Rabbi Mark Greenspan held a blessing of the pets under the Sukkah on Oct. 23. A Sukkah a temporary shelter made of natural materials where Jews take their meals during the holiday of Sukkot. Both live and stuffed “pets” were blessed. Greenspan explained a Hebrew name for one's pet gives the pet an identity within the Jewish family, The Jewish community, and among all Jewish people.

Temple members came with their live dogs, birds, rabbits, and stuffed ponies, giraffes, lizards and more. Attesting to the fact that pets are friends, companions and more each owner was given the ability to chose a Hebrew name for their pet.