Letter to the Editor

Guarantee would have protected Island Park


To the Editor:

  Legislator Howard Koppel’s recent letter (“Repealing guarantee was fair for everyone,” March 3-9) missed the point. The Island Park School District and all its residents are faced with a very serious problem.

If LIPA succeeds in lowering its assessment by the 10 percent that it is seeking, the school district will be financially devastated. If this happens, the school district will lose nearly $4 million a year in tax revenue. Without question, the residents of Island Park and Harbor Isle will be asked to make up this shortfall through a huge increase in school taxes. 

This is why our school superintendent, Legislator Denise Ford and a representative from State Sen. Dean Skelos’s office all recently met with LIPA to express the concerns of the residents of Island Park. Mr. Koppel chose not to attend this meeting, which as far as I am concerned, tells you all you need to know about his commitment to our community.

Richard Schurin

Island Park