Oceanside High School student wins prestigious summer scholarship


Joseph Fridman is a junior at Oceanside High School who has won a summer scholarship to the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, to attend the six-week 2012 Telluride Association Summer Program. The program he will attend is called “The Origin of Species and the Politics of Evolution.”

Telluride is sponsoring 4 programs this year, two at Cornell and two at Michigan. These are six-week, college-level seminars for gifted and highly motivated high school juniors. Admission is highly selective. This year’s 64 participants (in all four programs) were chosen from 1,354 applicants from all parts of the U.S. and abroad. Applicants are solicited from high scorers on the PSAT as well as from teacher and guidance counselor recommendation.

Telluride is a not-for-profit educational organization that has offered summer programs to high school juniors since 1954.