Alfonse D'Amato

Why I voted ‘yes’


Nassau County residents: County Executive Ed Mangano left the decision in your hands. On Monday, you decided on a referendum to borrow $400 million for a new Nassau Coliseum and minor league ballpark at the Hub, as it is known.

I hope voters took an honest look at the redevelopment plan, put aside partisan politics and decided for themselves whether the plan was worth the $400 million bond that Mangano was seeking.

What do you see in the future of your county? Try to envision a carefully planned complex of not only a Coliseum and baseball stadium, but also a state- of-the-art sports and entertainment arena, a place the Islanders can be proud to call home. Envision a Mecca of entertainment, sports, hotels and restaurants where visitors from all over the state and country come to visit and do business.

The redevelopment of not only the Coliseum, but the remaining 70 acres of Mitchel Field, would be part of a cumulative plan, partially envisioned and put forth by Town of Hempstead Supervisor Kate Murray, and is the kind of economic-development and job-creation plan I want for my children and future generations.

This type of project has been discussed and revamped for the past few years, and now its financing has finally been put to a vote. At first I was very hesitant about the scale of the project and asking taxpayers to foot the bill. I’ve since changed my tune. I now truly believe that redeveloping the Coliseum and its surrounding area is critical to the long-term economic development of our great county. Voting “no” would only lead to further deterioration of the county’s economic base.

I understand that spending $400 million on two stadiums sounds steep. Many were left questioning whether, if this large-scale development plan does pass and we agree to issue the bond, it will lead to higher property and sales tax rates, which already overburdened Nassau County residents would like to avoid.

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