Food for Rockville Centre neighbors in need


Parks and Recreation Superintendent Tony Brunetta was joined by Mayor Francis Murray, Deputy Mayor Nancy Howard and Rockville Centre Chamber of Commerce President Margarita Fox on Monday afternoon as they collected turkeys that will be delivered to the St. Agnes Parish Outreach, the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center and the Hispanic Brotherhood of Rockville Centre, for distribution to local families in need.

Supported by the Rockville Centre Lions Club, the Rockville Centre Chamber of Commerce and the Rockville Centre Community Fund, the food drive this year included 68 turkeys — more than last year, as well as canned food and dry goods.

Brunetta also had thanks for individual families that donate every year, children from the Greystone area and local Girl Scout troops who also contribute to the annual drive. Any extra food, he said, is saved and distributed at Christmas time.