HELP Uganda raises money for educational opportunities in Masese


HELP Uganda — a nonprofit aimed to break the cycle of illiteracy, malnutrition, poverty, and unemployment in the refugee village of Masese — welcomed its project director, Ronny Sitanga, to Rockville Centre this month and kicked off the nonprofit’s next major fundraising campaign with a special launch event at Kasey’s Kitchen and Cocktails on Oct. 18.

Sitanga’s presentation inspired donors as he shared the success of HELP Primary School and the critical need for offering educational opportunities to additional “street children,” who currently lack consistent homes and access to food.

HELP Uganda aims to lift up the next generation of Masese from poverty by committing to enroll 200-300 street kids with the gift of education through their new fundraising effort.

Peter Garrity, a HELP Uganda board member, announced a matching fundraiser of $100,000, backed by a generous donor that will construct a new second permanent school building to welcome the additional students.

Garrity also unveiled the campaign’s first major donation — an anonymous $10,000 donation, bringing them 10 percent closer to their goal.

Along with an additional $9,000 raised during the event at Kasey’s, Garrity remarked, how once again the community of Rockville Centre’s generous spirit is providing for children who are a world away, but close in spirit.

HELP’s next chapter is being written today as it expands to build phase two of a permanent school in Masese.

This new facility will ensure that more children of Masese will thrive in a new learning environment, fostering positive development not just for the community, but the nation of Uganda.

Masese is a vibrant community full of potential. It is also where education and commerce are actively breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty.

To learn more about the organization, the school, and volunteer opportunities or to make a donation, visit