Herald Schools

How this Rockville Centre garden grew!


Thanks to a grant from the Rockville Centre Education Foundation, third graders at Wilson Elementary School enjoyed growing plants that they could eat!

Working last fall with a Master Gardener, Adrienne Comito, who is a community educator from the Cornell Cooperative Extension, the children grew basil, oregano and dill in the school’s greenhouse. Along with teachers Therese Cohen and Kara Spinelli, Comito assisted the students with planting the herbs and flowers and taught them how to properly care for the seeds and plants. When the herbs had substantially grown, the students picked them and used them in a fun and nutritious cooking activity — as toppings for homemade pizzas that they made in their classrooms.

The funding, from what is known as a RISE grant (Residencies Inspiring Students in Education) paid for both the resident expert and the seeds and supplies for the project. Comito is expected to return to Wilson later this month to garden with fourth graders.