Christmas message

‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’


It is Christmas time again, one of my favorite times of year. As I get older and the years appear to get shorter, I have finally gotten to a place where giving has become more important than anything else. I enjoy seeing the expressions of family and friends as they open their gifts. I’ve given some things they knew were coming, while other things were unexpected. Either way I am blessed to see their reactions after they open them.

On more than one occasion, I have witnessed the “ooh’s” and “ahs” of gratitude — you know, the expressions that flow from a person when they don’t have words fitting enough to explain how they really feel. Or the “wow” of surprise as someone receives a gift that takes their breath away.

I guess I’ve come more to a place where I understand the true nature of Christmas, that is: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.“ Now I confess, it took some time to get here, and it was not an easy journey. But the journey was worth it.

I remember wanting things, asking for things, and even determining my value by the things that were given to me. Now I know that the things I have cannot determine my value, but my value is seen by what I give away. What a great lesson to learn. And this is at the heart of Christmas. Giving is more blessed than receiving.

Now, there is nothing wrong with receiving, but when we give, we

are embracing the spirit of Christmas. We are, in fact, becoming more and more like the one whose birth we celebrate.

So this Christmas do something, special, even unexpected, for someone else. Especially for someone who can’t give it back, and see how blessed you are by doing it.

Happy holidays!

Rev. Herman Washington

Shiloh Baptist Church

Rev. Herman Washington

Shiloh Baptist Church