Jan. 14, 2010

Letters to the Editor


Missed the point — and made a point

To the Editor:

As I have been one of the letter writers regarding smashed pumpkins on Halloween, I would like to respond to the letter "Commends police on a job well done" (Jan. 7-13).

I fear its author has missed the point of the argument. My diatribe wasn’t directed at our local police, who are dedicated and stretched beyond the pale. It was, instead, meant to ask how we are raising children that find such a malicious activity so enjoyable. Have you ever tried to explain to a 7-year-old why the beautiful little pumpkin she so painstakingly created was smashed to smithereens by one of her neighbors? How does that fit in with trying to raise a good little citizen?

Yes, for us adults it may be about No. 12,000 on the list of priorities. For my 7-year-old daughter, it was No. 1.

Sorry he missed the point.

Also, I would like to thank Burton Diamond for writing the letter "Dollars aren't falling from the sky," which I never got around to writing. I hope those he addressed are grateful to be breathing rarefied air, unaffected by the current economic times.

Marc Zeloof

Rockville Centre

School bond vote was a reality check

To the Editor:

Perhaps those people who wrote letters regarding the recent defeat of the school bond issue, saying such things as “... if you can't afford a $100 increase in your taxes, you should re-evaluate living in Long Island,” do not understand today's economic reality, which isn't good for many people living in Rockville Centre, on Long Island and all across the country.

People who make such statements should move elsewhere and live with people who think as they do, because in this town, people who voted the school bond down are in the majority. We’ve lived in this wonderful village for 36 years. Both our sons went to Rockville Centre public schools, including South Side High School. The education they received was excellent — not because of the bricks and mortar, but because of the excellent faculty that teaches in our schools.

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