
Mosquito spraying on hold across Nassau County


Aerial spraying to treat West Nile virus has been postponed after the federal government imposed a no-fly zone over the area during the 9/11 weekend and beyond, according to the Nassau County Department of Health.

Mary Ellen Laurain, a department spokeswoman, said that once the no-fly zone is lifted, the county will evaluate weather conditions to determine if aerial spraying is appropriate.

“We have to make sure that it’s the most effective way to eliminate adult mosquitoes,” said Laurain.

Spraying was initially scheduled to begin on Monday, Sept. 12, starting with the Nassau/Suffolk border to the Seaford Oyster Bay Expressway and continuing through Wednesday, Sept. 14

To prevent outbreaks of West Nile virus, the county sprays adulticide to eliminate viral activity and decrease the mosquito population. As of press time, the county could not confirm when the no-fly zone would be lifted.

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