Police help suicidal woman


Rockville Centre police officials helped prevent a distraught Idaho woman from committing suicide on social media in front of St. Agnes Cathedral on Jan. 25.

According to Inspector Glenn Quinn, the 52-year-old unidentified female from Rexburg, Id., spoke about committing suicide while streaming live on Facebook at roughly 12:20 p.m. The woman had visible lacerations on her left wrist and forearm.

California and Idaho police officials tracked down the woman’s location through her cell phone and discovered that she was in front of St. Agnes. That was when they contacted Rockville Centre police.

According to Quinn, Officer Noz Firoz was the first to respond and helped the woman on the scene. He added that the female was not resistant.

“Officer Firoz did an outstanding job of treating and providing assistance to get her the help she needed,” said Quinn.

Firoz could not be reached for comment.

She was transported to Nassau University Medical Centre for medical attention.