Riverside getting some pre-bond repairs

Board of Education OKs $135,000 for roof work, new doors


At the Board of Education meeting on May 7, the board approved a contract with Mt. Olympos Restoration, Inc. for $135,000 of exterior repair work at Riverside Elementary School.

The work, according to Assistant Superintendent for Business Robert Bartels, includes repairs to the cornice around the roof edge and replacement of exterior doors.

“This is from the million dollars of capital expense from the current year’s budget,” Bartels explained.

The $135,000 was not included in the $45.9 million bond that district residents approved in March because it was already budgeted in the 2012-13 spending plan.

“There were a few projects going on this year and a few projects going on next year that are not part of the bond,” Bartels said. “There are bathroom repairs that are being done and some flooring work…Some smaller projects around the district that we really needed to get done before the bond kicks in.”

Bartels said that the work is expected to start a week or two after school ends in June and be completed by the time school begins again in September.