Sporadic outages from flooding reported throughout village


Rockville Centre experienced sporadic power outages early Monday morning caused by instances of flooding and inclement weather.

According to Village Administrator Keith Spadaro, most of the outages were minor and quickly repaired. One blackout at the corner of Grand Avenue and North Park Avenue was caused when a manhole was flooded and a wire was shorted out. Spadaro said the electric department expected to have it fixed by 1 p.m., but power was returned more than an hour before that.

Jeff Kluewer, the spokesman for the village, said that flooding occurred at the usual places, including along Long Beach Road as well as at Lakeview and Hempstead and on Stonewell and on Roxen.

“Traffic lights were affected at Lincoln, Centre and Merrick for about 90 minutes and has been restored,” Kluewer said. “Lights at DeMott, Long Beach Rd and Brower are still out as of about 11:30, as well as at Lincoln and South Park.”