St. Agnes honors its top students


June 15 was a day of celebration tinged with nostalgia as St. Agnes Cathedral School said farewell to its graduating class of eighth graders. The school presented the following awards to its outgoing seniors:

General Excellence: Sara Hughes, Meghan Bennett

Monsignor Quealy Award for Christian Awareness: Christopher Delmond, Marie St. Pierre

Monsignor Williams Award for Service:

Morgan O’Brien, Deidre Lewin

The John Darcy Award: Casey Meekins, Laura Rathjen

Monsignor Mulligan Award for Social Studies: Erin Lyons, Dylan Dwyer

Monsignor Melton Award for Christian Service: Andrew Trencheny, Victoria Rubino

Lucille Fennesey Award for Math: Athina Giouvalakis, James Spadafora

Ellen Mayer Physical Education Award: Emma Kenny, Ryan Dean