Village briefs

Board OKs $6.5M in bonds


At an unusually busy meeting on Sept. 15, the village Board of Trustees held two public hearings, issued proclamations for service and voted on a bond issue for more than $6 million.

Bond issue

One of the most important things to happen at the meeting was at the end business portion when the Village Board bonded $6.59 million for village expenses.

The village will allocate most of the money in the loan toward capital projects, including updated accounting software, new trucks and water and electrical upgrades. The largest single portion of the money, $2.5 million, was bonded for next year's road improvement projects. Those projects are still in the planning stages, but among the roads being considered are Rodney Place, Gateway, Fenway and Intervale.

Honoring Stand Down volunteers

Before the board got down to the nitty-gritty of the night, it took time to honor Frank Colon, Jr., Paul J. Viscovich, and Jay and Anne DeBono for their work with the Stand Down, an organization devoted to helping veterans on Long Island.

Stand Down provides food to some of the 3,000 homeless veterans on Long Island during the Thanksgiving and winter holiday seasons and also around the beginning of July. The work is very important here, said Colon, because Long Island has the highest number of veterans per capita in the country.

Cablevision contract

When it got down to business, the board decided to close the public hearing on the Cablevision contract, and did not announce a decision yet. Peter Bee, representing Cablevision, said the company would not reduce any of the services that village residents currently receive, but that it would not broadcast to areas outside of the incorporated village. This means that residents with children in Rockville Centre schools who live outside of the incorporated village will continue to not receive the school channel on Cablevision. When questioned about it, Bee said that while he could understand why the village would want Cablevision to include those areas, it couldn’t do so in the current contract because the village has no authority outside of its borders.

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