Runner sets sights on first full marathon

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A native of Valley Stream, Grace attended Holy Name of Mary School and Sacred Heart Academy. She is a middle school English teacher at Our Lady of Peace in Lynbrook, and in the summers she works at the Valley Stream pool as a lifeguard supervisor. She and her husband have a 19-month-old daughter, Alexa.

She is looking to raise $2,000 for the race, and has so far received donations from family and friends. Grace also has sent out letters to local businesses and has a fundraising page on the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s website. She is a little more than halfway to her goal, which includes a $500 donation from friend and construction company owner Bryan Lanzello. “When you commit to it,” she said, “you commit to raise the money no matter what.”

Through her involvement with Team in Training, Grace said she has met several people who have benefitted from the society’s work, and knows the money she raises will go toward a good cause.

Grace will be in Florida for five days in January. She said she has not set a specific time goal for the race — she plans to stop and take pictures along the way of the characters — but would like to complete it in less than five hours.

With her first full marathon just a month away, Grace said she is excited for the opportunity. “I thought it would be a nice thing to do,” she said. “Besides me trying to accomplish a life goal, I could help other people.”

To make a donation to Grace’s fundraising efforts, click here.

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