Class of 2013

A new stage awaits Central grads


Central High School’s senior class members have a wide range of talents and interests, but in a few short months, many of those seniors will take their talents and interests to colleges across the county.

For the first time ever, Central will hold its graduation ceremony off-campus this year. The event will be held at the LIU Post Tilles Center instead of outdoors at Central, or, if there is inclement weather, indoors at Memorial Junior High.

Students are now wrapping up their finals and signing each others’ yearbooks, and will soon receive their diplomas on June 19. With graduation quickly approaching, a few seniors looked back on their years at Central as they prepare for the future.

Riyaad Ali
College: St. John’s University
Plans to study: Accounting; five-year master’s program
Elementary school: Shaw Avenue
Best high school memory: Competing with FBLA in Rochester when I placed first in Emerging Business Issues last year.
Activities: Peer Mediation, SADD, FBLA, academic honor societies
What will you miss most about Central?: I’ll miss the teachers. I’ve bonded with my teachers and it’s more than just a student-teacher relationship; it was closer than that. They got to know me as a person.
Plans for summer: I’ll be working in Queens at a shipping company in the accounting department.

Ava Atana Ramsundar
College: Cornell University
Plans to study: Biology
Elementary school: P.S. 55 – moved to Valley Steam in seventh grade
Best high school memory: Going to Texas in the summer of my junior year with the FBLA club. It was a great experience. My event was Client Service.
Activities: Peer mediation, FBLA, Class of 2013, academic honor societies
What will you miss most about Central?: The teachers and the friendships. Hopefully they will last through college. I’ll definitely miss the culture here at Central; it’s going to be a hard transition.
Plans for summer: I’m looking for a summer job. Also hanging out with my friends and volunteering at local nursery schools.

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