
At 13, students take a trip to Crossroads Farm


They are back at it again for another season. Valley Stream 13 students recently took a trip to Crossroads Farm to learn the ins and outs of sustainable agriculture. They toured the farm to learn about agriculture and animals, and the life cycle of honeybees. They had the opportunity to plant their own plants in the farm’s learning garden.

“Our partnership with Crossroads Farms enhances our students’ problem-solving and reasoning skills through the practice of growing and preparing food,” said Superintendent Judith LaRocca. “Students look forward to this experience and have a great time learning about farming. Through this experience, our students gain valuable life skills.”

This field trip was an opportunity for students to spend the day outside while learning about sustainable agriculture. They were able to work hands-on with each other while learning about farming practices, food systems, and environmental awareness.

Crossroads is a state certified organic farm dedicated to providing agricultural education to everyone. Using a collaborative approach, they cultivate growing on their small organic farm in Malverne. They are a part of the Nassau Land Trust, a not-for-profit organization that uses a board of volunteers to run the farm. Crossroads is the closest organic farm to New York City and they sell their crops, along with the crops of local farmers, at their farm stand, and host a farmers market every Saturday.