Chamber News

Awards gala highlights busy fall for business group


After a quiet summer, the Valley Stream Chamber of Commerce will steam ahead with a full slate of activities this fall.

The highlight will be the Chamber’s annual gala at the end of September. This event honors local businesses and individuals who have made significant contributions to the community. Barbara DeGrace will receive the Special Recognition Award and the South Nassau Communities Hospital Cancer Center will be honored with the Business Achievement Award.

DeGrace, chief of staff for Assemblyman Bob Barra, is a board member with the Chamber of Commerce. She represents Friends of Bridge, a substance abuse treatment facility in Valley Stream.

Chamber of Commerce President Debbi Gyulay said DeGrace is being recognized for her many years of community activism. DeGrace is a member of the village’s Business Improvement Committee and also helped the Chamber secure a $5,000 grant for holiday lights a few years ago.

DeGrace is also a regular at the Chamber’s monthly networking lunches and ribbon-cutting ceremonies. “She’s just there when we need her,” Gyulay said.

The South Nassau Communities Hospital Cancer Center, located at the southeast corner of Merrick and Central avenues, has been a wonderful addition to Valley Stream, Gyulay said. The center offers the most advanced treatments and state-of-the-art technology. “It’s an excellent facility,” she said.

Gyulay said that South Nassau is also very supportive of the Valley Stream Chamber. A few years ago, the cancer center hosted a Chamber networking night which included a tour of the building. Several doctors from the facility have also spoken at Chamber meetings.

The gala will be held at the Pompei Restaurant in West Hempstead on Thursday, Sept. 30 at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $60.

Also being honored this fall is Chamber board member Angela Ogurick, who will receive the Nassau County Chambers of Commerce small businessperson of the year award. Each Chamber in the county selects one business owner for this recognition, and Ogurick is Valley Stream’s honoree. She is an independent Mary Kay cosmetics saleswoman and runs her business from her home.

“She’s been such an active and dedicated member of the Chamber,” Gyulay said about Ogurick, who is being honored for her business success. The awards ceremony will be held at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury on Oct. 15.

In September, the Chamber of Commerce will resume its monthly networking lunches. On Wednesday, Sept. 22, the Nassau County Board of Elections will demonstrate the new voting machines. Gyulay said that this meeting will be open to the public and anyone can stay for lunch for $25. “The Board of Elections is trying to reach as many people as possible,” she said.

A location has not yet been announced but as soon as it is will be posted on the Chamber’s website,

Speaking of the website, the Chamber recently upgraded its site. Gyulay said it switched to a new platform that allows Chamber leaders to make updates to the site, instead of having it done by a middle man. “It will be more up-to-date on events now,” she said, “because we can do it ourselves.”

The site was designed Chronis Tsempelis, of Valley Stream business MarketRaise.

The Chamber is planning a community networking night in October. A date and location have not yet been announced. This event will feature many merchants and professionals in Valley Stream sharing information about their products and services.

A second speed networking night is being planned for Chamber members, as well. Twenty businesses participated in the first one at Strong Side Studios in the spring. Gyulay said she hopes even more will participate this time and noted that it is a good opportunity for networking and business promotion.

The Chamber has renewed its membership with the United States Chamber of Commerce, allowing local members access to helpful information on small business, as well as numerous discounts. This fall, the Valley Stream Chamber will publish an updated member directory which will be available at Village Hall and several businesses throughout the community.

Recently, the Chamber received an award from the United States Census Bureau for its help with the 2010 study. Gyulay said she invited a census representative to last year’s networking night, and also provided some information about the local population.

In October, the Chamber will again partner with the village for the annual pumpkin painting contest and provide participating children with T-shirts.

Gyulay said the Chamber always welcomes new members, and anyone attending a meeting for the first time can introduce themselves and their business. Chamber officials are also happy to do ribbon-cutting ceremonies for any business opening or re-opening in the Valley Stream area, Gyulay said.

For more information on the Chamber and its events, or tickets to its awards gala, call (516) 825-1741 or email