School News

Community honors District 30 school board


Before the District 30 Board of Education got down to business on Oct. 25, members of the community took time to say thanks to the five volunteers who run the elementary school district.

With Board of Education Recognition Week in New York State last week, the district’s administrators, PTA leaders and students showed their appreciation for the school board.

Superintendent Dr. Elaine Kanas talked about many of the decisions that school board members make. She said if it weren’t for the Board of Education, there would be no libraries, no computer labs and no after school activities. She introduced a handful of students who talked about what they like about school, including the fun activities, their teachers, what they learn and the fact that they don’t have to wear uniforms. Kanas said this was done to show the board members that their work doesn’t go unnoticed.

The second grade chorus then sang “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and “This Little Light of Mine.” PTA members presented each of the five trustees with a gift for their volunteer efforts.