Aquatic Club

Pool show is Saturday night


It’s a revival for those catchy one-hit wonder songs at this year’s Aquatic Club water show at the Hendrickson Park pool this Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Synchronized swimmers will perform to popular tunes of bygone and present days, intriguing the public for the pool’s 51st year.

“We are so excited, and looking forward to it,” said lifeguard supervisor Bridget Amitrano, one of the show’s organizers. Amitrano, along with Aquatic Club coaches Arline Daly and lifeguard Allison Ferrara, came up with the theme back in June. The trio met to brainstorm ideas, and select songs to accompany 17 different routines, Amitrano said.

The coaches choreographed the routines and taught dance steps to 40 Valley Stream girls ages 6 to 16. The members have been practicing twice a day, six days a week since the end of June to prepare for the show. “The practices are very rigorous,” Amitrano said, “and they learn routines.” The girls are divided into different groups based on their abilities.

Dozens came out for last year’s event, which celebrated the pool’s 50th anniversary. And this year, even more visitors are expected, according to the organizers. You can expect to hear pop tunes like “Pretty Woman” or “I Want Candy” accompanying the girls’ moves. In addition, the Division 2 champion swim team will do a one-lap exhibition under the direction of head coach George Amitrano.

The team and club members also will raffle off baskets featuring different items, including a movie and dinner, as well as sports and “back to school” style goodies. Admission is free, and organizers invite everyone to partake in the festivities.

“We welcome everyone to come and enjoy the show,” Amitrano said. “It’s going to be a fun night for any age.”

Pool Show

The show will take place on Saturday, Aug. 13 at 7:30 p.m. at the A.J. Hendrickson Park pool complex. Doors open at 7 p.m. Admission is free.