Religious leaders set example


Thousands of Valley Stream residents and people from neighboring communities often attend services at one of Valley Stream’s many churches or synagogues. The area has a deep-rooted religious community that many people enjoy being a part of. In addition, religious leaders have a long-standing relationship with one another through the Valley Stream Religious Council.

Sister Margaret Kelly of Holy Name of Mary Church serves as the council’s president and has been a member of the group for about 25 years. “It’s a wonderful way for active clergy to gather, support each other and look at some of the issues that come up that are common to all of us and work on them together,” she said, adding that new clergy members have joined the council in recent years to bring more of the community together.

The reason for the increase in membership isn’t clear, Kelly noted, but she’s happy to see more people getting involved. “I don’t know what’s happened,” she said. “We’ve had lots of ups and downs. It’s just happened.

“It’s healthy for the council and very encouraging,” she added.

The Rev. Joanna Keneally, minister of Unity Church of Christianity in Valley Stream, joined the council within the past year after two members of the church’s Board of Directors brought it to her attention. The board members, Treasurer Connie Levin and Director Norris Shears, first heard of the council, Keneally said, at a Valley Stream Chamber of Commerce meeting.

The Unity Church has since participated in several local events, including the Valley Stream Community Fest in September. “I’m delighted to be a part of it,” Keneally said of the council. “It’s very harmonious and it’s very supportive.”

About two years ago, Rabbi Yechiel Buchband of the Valley Stream Jewish Center decided to join the council. Since he’s been a member, Buchband said he’s enjoyed the experience, adding there’s a lot of mutual support and respect that goes around at meetings. “I think cooperation and working together is a very important thing in our community,” he said.

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