Valley Stream Beautification Committee seeks members


A new effort is getting underway in Valley Stream to come up with ways to beautify the neighborhood.

Although officially formed at the village board reorganization meeting on Sept. 21, the Valley Stream Beautification Committee currently lacks a chairperson, but once fully active would be made up of residents who have volunteered to brainstorm and bring to life ideas to help clean up and beautify parts of Valley Stream.

Deputy Village Treasurer David Sabatino is spearheading the effort, and would act as a liaison between the village and the committee. He is currently seeking more people who might be interested in taking part.

“The inspiration (for the committee) came from hearing a lot of residents over the years talking about how beautiful our community is,” Sabatino said, “and the minor and more intensive ways we could make it more beautiful.”

Although still in the initial organizing stage, residents who expressed interest in being a part of the committee met via Zoom on Sept. 8 to discuss their first steps. So far roughly 20 people have joined, Sabatino said, but he would like to see that number double as a starting point.

Members would discuss different projects, such as litter cleanup days, a community garden or murals — whatever might come to mind — and fundraising ideas to help make such projects a reality. Other roles the committee might play include engaging the village to change some of its operations or exploring ways to make feasible projects committee volunteers might be unable to do on their own.

“I think the committee is going to play a major partnership in the village not just by tackling problems,” Sabatino said, “but bringing into light problems that might not be so easily discernable.

Organization-wise the Beautification Committee would be comprised of a mayor-appointed chairperson, who would then select a vice chairperson, a secretary to handle official correspondence and a treasurer to oversee any funds raised. Those interested in becoming a chairperson must submit a letter of intent to the village.

Sabatino said he hopes the committee might serve as a means to make ideas residents might have to turn Valley Stream a more beautiful place a reality.