Community Band

Valley Stream’s sounds of summer


The Valley Stream Community Band kicked off its 59th concert season on July 5 at the John Smith Bandshell on the Village Green. The concerts are hosted by the village and the Central High School District. Performers include local residents and teachers.

The conductor is Todd Holly, the director of fine and performing arts for the Central High School District. Concerts are held every Tuesday night at 8 p.m. through Aug. 9. Residents can bring a blanket or lawn chairs and enjoy the free entertainment.

Upcoming theme nights

July 19: Up, Up and Away
Spiderman, Star Wars Marches, Superman, Star Trek

July 26: Rock ‘n’ Roll at the Bandstand
Chicago, Michael Jackson, Queen, The Beatles

Aug. 2: Kids Night
Wheel, Lady Gaga, Glee, Hawaii Five-O

Aug. 9: Classics, Classics, Classics
Farandole, Russian Sailors Dance, Dvorak’s 9th, William Tell