Letter to the Editor

Who is the money going to?


To the Editor:

Last week’s edition of the Valley Stream Herald reported that the village government has unveiled a budget for the upcoming year that will result in a significant impact on homeowners (“Tax hike looming”). It is quite remarkable that this announcement comes after the recent village election, which is the last opportunity for voter expression for the next three years.

Of course, the same article discussed all the steps the village is going to take in order to reduce expenditures while improving life in Valley Stream. It appears from the article that these steps being taken by the village include hiring consultants and research assistants, increased recreation fees and the acquisition by the village of a building for a Village Hall annex.

I think the proposed budget should be presented in detail to residents of Valley Stream with the following information also provided:

1) Names and salaries of all consultants and research assistants, the nature of their assignments and whether any are retired employees of the village.

2) The names of all attorneys being paid by the village and the specific amounts being paid to them in connection with the acquisition of any and all buildings; and the cost of the buildings and their renovations.

3) The names of all insurance brokers or agents doing business with the village, and whether they hold or have held positions in local government in the village or in the governments doing business with the village.

Perhaps if we had this information, it might clarify why homeowners, who are overburdened already with taxes, homeowner’s insurance and flood insurance requirements, should now just stand by and acquiesce to increased village taxes that will bring a significant impact and are announced right after the voters could have made their thoughts heard in the voting booths.

In lieu of the foregoing, I would hope that the media obtain all of the information above and publish it along with a detailed proposed village budget showing the specific recipients of each tax dollar spent.

Joseph B. Margolin
Valley Stream