Letter to the Editor

Who needs the SATs?


To the Editor:

School just opened. SATs are being given, Advanced Placement courses have started. Pressure on the students to excel increases more each year. Those who excel seem on the road to success if they can afford higher education and the huge debt it generates.

What about those who did well but can’t afford college, and those not taking APs or SATs? What does the guidance counselor tell them? A potential that requires none of those accomplishments is party membership and work. This leads to government work and the known many benefits given. Walmart and Wendy’s can’t compete.

Many in Valley Stream have devoted their working lives to the party, i.e. an ex-mayor. An ex-U.S. senator did the same. Anyone working at the Valley Stream pool, for example, was screened by a party committee person. This is the spoils system at work. Committee people are everywhere, run the sanitary districts, water districts, OTB, even the Hempstead dog pound. These places are a haven for the party faithful. The dog pound’s recent scandal didn’t result in job losses for the many committee people there, just a transfer to who knows where. Most made more than $100,000 a year. There is party loyalty.

The Atlantic Beach Bridge is another authority. Authorities are set up to protect the workers from the general election process and those there are seldom, if ever, bothered. They are loyal party people and able to run their own show.

The party needs workers, wants volunteers especially. The competition for a paid job with government is from nepotism. The party likes to promote and hire from within. Families have dominated the party for generations. Tests for employment are not used, SAT and AP marks are not mentioned. Contacts count, see the local committee person on how to start this quest. The guidance counselors should make known this potential to all. It’s a good life. Someone will do it.

Richard Creeron

Valley Stream