HANC wins money for children's fund


MSG Varsity and Cablevision’s education initiative, Power to Learn, recently recognized Hebrew Academy of Nassau County for its altruistic efforts and participation in the Charity Champions program, which was developed to promote fundraising and volunteerism. HANC received an honorable mention and $1,000 to donate to OHEL Children’s Home and Family Services, a diverse agency that aids individuals and families through social service needs.

The students at HANC reported that they wanted to chose an organization that catered to children from all walks of life. They eventually decided on OHEL, and held a toy drive in the weeks before Hanukkah for the underprivileged children served by the organization. Additional events, such as a tie-die fundraiser and marathon participation, were also implemented by the students.

Cablevision Vice President of Education, Trent Anderson, noted that “Charity Champions is a wonderful way to support the charitable efforts of the students in the communities we serve.” He also praised the students of HANC, who “demonstrated a commitment to public service.”