Nassau County’s 5th District race heats up

Scannell, Browne to face off in the Conservative Party primary on Sept. 15


But now Conservative voters will get to decide who will represent them in the November election. Currently Scannell holds the Conservative Party endorsement, but after some Conservatives petitioned to force a primary in the 5th District next Tuesday, Browne now has a chance to knock Scannell off the line as a write-in candidate.
As a way of insuring that Browne is on an additional party line in the event he does not win the Conservative Party endorsement, Republican supporters filed a petition to get him on the recently-formed Tax Revolt Party line in November. But in a move that Republicans said was improper, the Democratic Election Commissioner, William Biamonte, challenged the validity of those signatures. Republicans and Democrats were scheduled to appear on the matter in court last Tuesday.
In addition to door-to-door campaigning, both Scannell and Browne have been appealing to voters through the mail, sending flyers to district residents.

Scannell also faces a challenge on Tuesday from Baldwin resident Mechielle Chapman on the Independent Party line.

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