Rumelt beats Mascia, library and school budgets approved


Although heavy rains kept many people indoors Tuesday morning, enough headed to the polls in West Hemsptead to vote on the school budget. In a 1,071-893 vote, taxpayers passed the $54 million budget, which carries a 2.99 percent tax levy increase.

Board of Education incumbents Pamela Lotito (president) and Walter Ejnes (vice president) were both re-elected to their seats, for which they ran unopposed, with 1,140 votes and 1,054 votes, respectively.

"The board of education, administration and employees are all pleased with the result," said Deputy Superintendent Richard Cunningham. "We will continue to strive to balance the needs of West Hempsteads youth with the fiscal realities of the residents."

Residents also approved the $3 million West Hempstead Public Library budget, which carries a 1.4 percent tax levy increase, with 989 voting in favor and 813 voting against.

Library Board of Trustees incumbent Owen Rumelt was re-elected with 980 votes. His challenger, Thomas Mascia, lost with 717 votes.

"I'm very grateful to the voters and very pleased that I will have the opportunity to continue serving the community — I'm looking forward to it," Rumelt said of his win. "I look forward to working with the other board members to continue running an economically efficient library, which provides as great a variety of services as we can while keeping an eye on the fact that we have a community that needs to be able to afford what we're providing."