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South Shore Fitness — The Egoscue Method for chronic pain


South Shore Fitness
3465 Lawson Blvd.
(877) 44 FITNESS

Those suffering with chronic pain will attest to the fact that discomfort sometimes travels to different parts of the body. In fact, according to Pete Egoscue, the founder of The Egoscue Method of Postural Alignment Therapy, "The sight of pain is rarely the site of the problem."

Pete Egoscue had been an infantry officer in the U.S. Marine Corps until he was badly injured in Vietnam. Having been an athlete in college as well, he had a profound understanding of the human body. When nothing seemed to work to relieve his pain, he realized he had to help himself. Hence, he designed the Egoscue Method.

Based on the principle that the body works as a unit, as opposed to individual parts, the Egoscue Method searches for a dysfunction in one area that might affect others. For example, a pain in one shoulder could be caused by a rotated hip on the opposite side.

The process helps to identify the origin of the pain, rather than treating the site of the pain, which might only give short-term relief.

All this is done by checking out posture alignment, looking for dysfunction, and then, through specific yoga-type exercises (“Ecises”), working to align the posture more precisely. Posture misalignment can cause painful muscles, aching joints, decreased range of motion, fatigue and a variety of other ailments.

South Shore Fitness, a full service, highly equipped fitness center, is proud to be one of the first on Long Island to offer this innovative therapeutic program.

Sharon Moelis, who is director of Fitness and Programming, as well as Medical Exercise program director, facilitates the Egoscue Method at South Shore Fitness. She was trained by and is certified through Egoscue University as a Postural Alignment Therapist.

Initially, when meeting with Moelis, a complete medical history is obtained and postural photographs (of the person’s front, back and sides) are taken.
Using Epete®, which is an Egoscue software program, stick figures ("stickies") are generated from the photographs. Based on the person’s data, ePete® produces a customized routine of Ecises, complete with illustrations, instructions, and repetition recommendations.

All Ecises can be done in the privacy of one’s home, without any special equipment. Usually, all that is needed is a private area, a wall, chair and towel.

Ecises should be done daily, and over time, the person can return for a check-up. The Egoscue Method is a non-touch program and can even be done with children. If a specific Ecise causes any kind of pain, it is discontinued.

A person with chronic pain or related issues should, of course, check with his or her physician before doing any type of exercise.

South Shore Fitness has a comprehensive web site, illustrating exactly how the Egoscue Method works. They also offer a myriad of other services and classes. Visit them at