
1st Precinct lease approved

After residents offer opinions, lawmakers vote to authorize deal


Despite an anticipated protest from several outraged residents, the Nassau County Legislature has approved a lease to authorize construction of a new 1st Police Precinct in the Rosen Shopping Center on Grand Avenue.

“We wanted to get a deal that was quick for taxpayers and also the cheapest ...,” said Legislator Joe Scannell (D-Baldwin), defending the county's decision to lease the property for the precinct headquarters rather than purchasing or condemning it. “Condemnation takes too long.”

As he has previously, Scannell explained that he wanted the precinct to remain in Baldwin, so officials looked at only a few locations before settling on the deal with David Rosen, the shopping center’s landlord. “We wanted a one-story, stand-alone precinct because it would be cheaper for taxpayers,” Scannell said.

Officials from the county's public works and real estate departments endorsed the plan at Monday’s legislative session, explaining that the county would save money by leasing Rosen's property. Officials added that the county secured rent payments of less than market value, and would not be required to pay rent for the first year of the precinct's operation.

Several residents, many of them members of the Concerned Citizens of Baldwin, voiced their support for the project. “I don't think there could be a better location for the precinct,” said one member, Howard Batsford. “It's better than having empty storefronts for however long. What would be the alternative? Have nothing there? Keep it empty?”

Baldwin School District officials also favor the project, which would provide access off Ethel T. Kloberg Drive, the road leading into Baldwin High School. And according to Erik Mahler, a member of the Chamber of Commerce's Board of Directors, 90 percent of chamber members support the Rosen deal. “The Chamber of Commerce is in support of this,” Mahler said, and we think businesses will come into Baldwin because of it.”

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