
Baldwin letters to the editor

Residents speak out on downtown project, D'Amato, and Obama


Kudos to Kish

To the Editor:

Bravo, Vincent Kish! ("Taking steps," March 18-24).

Isn't it too bad that our elected officials can't take a tour of the very town they supposedly represent? The "blighted area" of Grand Avenue is certainly not limited to the corner of Merrick Road. Having lived here for 25 years, we have long noted the vast number of fast-food eateries and hair/nail salons. It does not speak well for the population if these are the only businesses that supposedly represent our needs.

What will it take to attract clothing stores and bona fide restaurants to the area? The only thing "grand" about our main street is the length and width of the road.

Denise Healey

Still waiting for revitalization

To the Editor:

I commend Mr. Kish for his wonderful article on his walk of Grand Avenue ("Taking steps"). That was quite an undertaking on his part and, I am sure, somewhat discouraging.

I get discouraged every time I drive up and down Grand Avenue, and am embarrassed to have people visit. Residents are encouraged to shop locally, but I wish someone could tell me where in Baldwin we can do that. For the most part, I go to Oceanside or Rockville Centre, where there are a variety of shopping options.

The politicians have been playing games with us about the "revitalization" of Grand Avenue for more years than I care to remember. There was a time when I attended all the community meetings and always came away excited about all the wonderful things that were going to happen in Baldwin. I am still waiting.

Now the excuse has been the poor economy. All the things we heard those many years ago were when the economy was great. Other towns have been revived, but somehow Baldwin gets lost in the shuffle.

Ann Carney

Questions Albanese Development proposal

To the Editor:

Regarding the Albanese Development proposal for apartments ("Shades of RVC for Grand Avenue?" March 25-31):

Are we being enticed to accept Albanese Development's proposal by saying that we would be like Rockville Centre and Garden City? Oh, my!

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