Letters to the Editor

Voices from the community


The mystery of the many Baldwins

To the Editor:

Regarding your article "Where do you live?" (Feb. 25-March 3): I have been a resident of Baldwin for 41 years. Prior to moving here, we always visited my brother, who lived in Baldwin below Merrick Road. He had moved here around 1954, and I spent a lot of time at his house because I lived in an apartment in Brooklyn.

A few years ago, my mail was addressed to North Baldwin (we live off DeMott Avenue). Whenever I go on MapQuest for directions and I give my starting address as Baldwin, a message comes up saying something like, "We found that address listed as North Baldwin." I have no idea how, why or when the North Baldwin thing started, and I've always wondered. During my 41 years here, we've had family living in different parts of town. My kids always had friends in different parts of town. And it was always just Baldwin.

I would be interested to hear if anyone has a reasonable answer.

Ann Carney

1st Precinct deal was rushed

To the Editor:

As a dedicated business analyst who has worked on Wall Street and in financial services, I know from experience that ramming through proposals often diminishes a project's success. We use the term "speed kills!"

As you examine the process, why did the Nassau County Legislature and Legislator Joseph Scannell suddenly rush through the 1st Precinct lease without the appropriate planning surveys? Cynical Nassau County taxpayers suspect that election-year politics trumped common sense. How else do you explain Legislator Scannell committing almost $40 million to build a new 1st Precinct when, according to Newsday, Nassau County has a $50 million deficit for 2010 and a $90 million shortfall from declining sales tax revenue in 2009? Where was the due diligence on behalf of Nassau County taxpayers? Where is the common sense?

Michael Mulhall
Rockville Centre

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