Letter to the editor

D’Amato’s wrong on 9/11 bill


To the Editor:

The opinion espoused by Al D'Amato in regard to King vs. Weiner is, at best, disingenuous and, at worst, wrong ("In King vs. Weiner, it was no contest," Aug. 12-18). The Democrats were right to ask for a super-majority on the 9/11 responders bill because they knew if they didn't, the Republicans would have tried to attach "poison pill" amendments aimed at putting the other party in a corner, such as a ridiculous amendment that none of the relief money for first responders should go to illegal aliens. If that's not playing politics, I don't know what is. I believe that anyone who helped out that day should be thanked and blessed, and a witch hunt to sort out who was legal and who wasn't is going to tie up this funding and waste other public monies. 

Adding ridiculous and dangerous amendments to bills has a long history on both sides of the aisle. If you go to www.thomas.loc.gov and read the full text of bills that have been passed, you will be appalled.

Anthony Weiner was right when he shouted at Peter King and the Republicans: If you know that passing this bill — as it is — is the right thing to do, then vote for it! 

Tracey Simon
