Kopel works hard for Island Park

Letter to the Editor


To the Editor:

Island Park Civic Association Board Member Richard Schurin criticized Legislator Howard Kopel in a letter last week for not attending a recent Friday meeting (“Guarantee would have protected I.P.,” March 10-16). Schurin stated “…as far as [he’s] concerned, [Kopel’s absence] tells you all you need to know about his commitment to our community.”

What an amazingly bigoted opinion! Mr. Schurin does a great disservice to the Civic Association and our community for failing to grasp reality.

Howard Kopel is an Orthodox Jew who celebrates the Sabbath every Friday until sundown Saturday night. Like most, I understand the difficulties of balancing religious observances and schedules with work. Why can’t  Mr. Schurin? He should be embarrassed for his unwarranted attack.

Legislator Kopel has repeatedly fought for the Island Park community.

In just the past few weeks, Mr. Kopel set aside funding for the Island Park Fire Department to receive emergency power generators and other lifesaving equipment. This is in addition to working to turn Nassau County’s $150 million deficit into a $17 million surplus, while voting for a no-tax-increase budget.

Legislator Kopel doesn’t owe us an explanation for observing his religious beliefs. He should continue doing a good job working hard for you, me and our neighbors.

Edward Madden

Island Park

Chief, Island Park Fire Department