Oceanside man robs same bank twice


Nassau County Police said 34-year-old Melvin Olivo robbed the TD Bank at 247 Long Beach Road twice in the past month. According to police, Olivio went to the bank and handed a teller a note saying he wanted cash and had a gun, on Feb. 19 and then again Feb. 27, but police said he was not armed. Olivio received just over $1200 from both robberies. Police said there were one customer and eight employees in the bank during the first robbery, but no one was hurt in either robbery.

Olivo lives across the street from the bank with his parents on Foxhurst Road. A graduate of Oceanside High School, Olivio has three children that live with their mother.

He was arraigned in First District Court Tuesday on first and third degree robbery charges, at which time prosecutors told the judge he had a record of 13 prior arrests including third-degree assault and second-degree robbery.

District Court Judge William Hohauser set bail for Olivio at $10,000.