School administrators should give back

Letter to the Editor


To the Editor:

I have followed all the articles in the paper now and all I’m seeing is threats to lay off teachers and staff along with offering an incentive in hopes enough teachers will take it. If I’m correct, Superintendent Dr. Herb Brown said they needed 15 to take the incentive packages and a week ago I read they had 29, and Brown then said he wasn’t sure if that would prevent layoffs.

Not once did I read or hear one of them (the superintendent, an assistant superintendent or any administrator) say that they would take a pay cut or a salary freeze. 

I think it’s outrageous the salary Dr. Brown has, plus his benefits. As said in the newspapers, the governor of New York doesn’t even make that much!

I am a parent of children in the school district, a community member and most of all a taxpayer.

We pay our taxes, now let’s see the superintendent and the assistant superintendents and all the administrators do the right thing, take a pay cut and live like the rest of us.

Helen Adams
