Stepping Out

Welcome the holiday season at Old Bethpage Village's 19th Century Thanksgiving

Giving thanks for Thanksgiving at holiday events throughout the area


It's that time of year. Time to get ready for the turkey, the trimmings, those visions of sugarplums, and so on. Before we focus on the Thanksgiving preparations, take a moment to get into the spirit of the season and explore some of the many holiday-themed events taking place throughout the area.

An 1863 Thanksgiving
Imagine that it’s 1863 and you’re preparing a holiday meal for your family. What would it be like? Step back in time at Old Bethpage Village Restoration and find out when the village celebrates an “1863 Thanksgiving” this weekend and next.
It’s become an annual ritual for families to make a pre-Thanksgiving trek to the re-created 19th-century village to immerse themselves in the sights and smells of the holiday season. The village is bustling with activity as it readies for an old-fashioned Thanksgiving: wood-burning stoves, beehive ovens and hearths are fired up to prepare foods and baked goods made from 19th-century recipes. The culinary exhibits include the “spitting” and roasting of turkey in a tin reflector oven beside the Williams House hearth and preparation of pies at the Powell House. The village also displays the 19th-century methods of food preservation employed for late fall crops. Historical period music adds to the festive atmosphere, while at the Noon Inn, children’s stories are read several times each day.
“This program, which is itself a tradition at Old Bethpage Village, is a wonderful way for Long Islanders to connect with 19th-century American culture during one of our most important national holidays,” said Jim McKenna, OBVR site director and curator.
Enjoy an old-fashioned Thanksgiving, Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 20-21 and Nov. 27-28, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. $10, $7 children and seniors. Old Bethpage Village Restoration is located on Round Swamp Rd., Old Bethpage. (516) 572-0200.

Native American Feasting

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