
Dancer steps it up

Alyssa Ragonesi recipient of annual scholarship awarded by The Dance Space of East Rockaway


Alyssa Ragonesi is the recipient of the year’s annual scholarship awarded by The Dance Space of East Rockaway. 

Alyssa has been dancing at The Dance Space since they opened in 2006. She currently takes six dances classes a week, including Theatre Jazz, Reggae, Hip Hop, Modern, Kickline, Tech, as well as participating in their “Opening Numbers” and productions. 

The Dance Space Scholarship is presented to one dancer each year. The winner is given the opportunity to take an unlimited amount of dance classes at no cost. Each year candidates will be chosen to compete for the scholarship, and are selected based on their commitment, talent, age, attendance, and passion for dance. 

The DSS winner was announced at the Dance Space Recital 2. In addition to winning the scholarship, a donation will be made to All Stars Project Inc. in the dancers/studio name. All Stars Project, Inc. is a non-for profit organization that provides dance and theatre training for underprivileged children in the New York area.

“The Dance Space is dedicated to creating a school of excellence as well as encouraging the art of dance and performance,” said director Lauren Quaranta. “We believe in giving back to our community and teaching our students to do the same. At The Dance Space we pride ourselves in creating a happy and healthy environment for your children. With a Dance and Theatre education students, are given the opportunity to gain self confidence and self respect — assets no child should be left without!”