Families spread awareness for March of Dimes

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Last year, Jonah raised $15,000 on his own, making him the top youth walker in New York and fourth in the nation. “It’s not just them putting a hand out and asking for money and you’re not seeing any visible results,” she said of the March of Dimes. “We were actually seeing the numbers of premature births going down and reasons being discovered for why birth defects were happening. When you see something visible, it makes you more passionate.”

The walk
Brower said that registration for the walk at Eisenhower Park begins at 9 a.m. on April 27, and the participants may register in advance online. If Nassau County residents cannot make it to the East Meadow walk, they are welcome to participate in the march in Central Islip on May 4.

To learn more about the walk and to pre-register, interested participants may visit the March of Dimes or March for Babies websites. For more information about volunteer opportunities, residents may call 516-496-2100.

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